Cinderella: Her controversial makeover and movie secrets

Published February 24, 2013 by

Have you heard? There is a war going on. As silly as it may sound to some people, others have taken it very seriously. The war I am referring to is the one between Disney fans who are on both sides of the fence – those who like the new updated look the Disney princesses have – and those who prefer the classic looks. Perhaps no princess has been discussed more than our sweet Cinderella, affectionately referred to as “Cindy” by many of her fans.

Our Disney version of Cinderella is 63 years young in 2013 – and she hasn’t slowed down a bit. One can certainly respect that she still has the biggest castle in all of Walt Disney World. The figures representing the sales of merchandise bearing her image are mind boggling. Her mode of transportation is beautiful and unmatched by almost any standard.

Why is she such an undeniable force in the Disney princess line-up, even to this day?  Personally, I feel that it has something to do with the movie that has endeared her to so many, for so long. It is a movie that remains one of my all-time personal favorites since childhood.


cinderella original

I thought I knew everything there was to know about Walt Disney’s classic Cinderella – until I came across these interesting facts about the movie.

Keep reading, and let me know if any of these are new to you as well!

1. A song called “Dancing on a Cloud” was cut from the movie. You can hear it here:

2. A dream sequence reminiscent of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice – Cinderella imagines multiple Cindys attacking the chore list—was storyboarded but ultimately didn’t make it. You can see stills of the storyboards and hear the song below, though it’s a new recording. The original was lost.

3. The voice of Cinderella herself, Ilene Woods, revealed in this interview that Walt Disney was probably the first person to use double tracked vocals, where the singer records herself singing both the melody and the harmonies. The vocals were then mixed together, creating a seamless effect.

4. The moment when the Fairy Godmother transforms Cinderella’s torn dress into a beautiful gown fit for a princess is said to be Walt Disney’s favorite piece of animation ever. It was drawn by Marc Davis, one of Disney’s Nine Old Men.

5. If some of the Disney women from the 50s and 60s look similarly graceful and lanky, there’s a reason for it: Helene Stanley, the live-action model for Cinderella, was also the live-action model for Princess Aurora and Anita in101 Dalmatians. Here she is doing her “Once Upon a Dream” thing for Sleeping Beauty.

6. Eleanor Audley, the voice of Lady Tremaine (Cinderella’s evil stepmother), was also the voice of Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty and Madame Leota in the Haunted Mansion at Disneyworld and Disneyland.

7. Similarly, Verna Felton, the Fairy Godmother, provided the voices for a bunch of other famous Disney roles. She was also Mrs. Jumbo in Dumbo, the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland, Aunt Sarah in Lady and the Tramp, and both Flora and the Queen in Sleeping Beauty.

8. The song “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo” was popular in mainstream music thanks to a version by Perry Como and the Fontane sisters.

What are your thoughts?